Friday, July 12, 2013

July Life {part 1}

July so far has been wildly exciting so far! It started with my dear Stephie's amazing wedding and I just finished thefirst week of my internship at ADAPT Training in Beaverton...and it's INCREDIBLE!

[beautiful bachelorette]
I was in Beaverton for two weeks before Stephie's wedding. I'm so thankful I was because I could play pseudo-wedding planner since I didn't (and still don't) have a job. I had nothing but time to do craft after craft and make list after list of things that needed to get done for the big day. After a super fun Bachelorette party in downtown PDX, and awesome rehearsal dinner at Old Spaghetti Factory on the Waterfront, the big day came and went without a hitch (except the hitching of Stephie and Andy!). Somehow I didn't get a single picture with the bride (fail) or of all the adorable details (fail #2). 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Welcome to the Real World (almost) PDX

So I guess its been a while a I have a few MAJOR LIFE CHANGES to update y'all on.
  1. I have completed all my undergraduate courses, and I will be an official college graduate after I complete my internship in August. Aka I have a degree, and I'm a real adult. WHAT?!?
  2. I changed internships. I originally had a paid internship that was basically a glorified fitness center employee, but then I was offered my ideal, first choice internship at a facility called ADAPT Training in Beaverton. It's not paid, and that made the decision real hard, but all that I will learn, experience, and gain in a personal training certification if worth more than $9/hr. I am so excited, and I start in two weeks! Seriously I can't wait to get going.
  3. With that said, I am officially a resident of Beaverton, Oregon...and I'm living with my pugs! Their parents so incredibly and graciously welcomed me to live in their home while I complete this internship. It's really the only reason that it's financially possible to do it. Since graduation of last year I've been itching to move up here where the majority of my closest friends are. I could not be more thankful to be here and with  them.
...also this checks another task off my New Year's Goals list - move out of Corvallis [check!].
It's been a crazy five years of college but such a rich time of growth, fun, adventures, and finding lifelong friends. So naturally I want to photo montage it.

Monday, May 20, 2013

[birthday pt 3 ] basically 23.

I realize I bombarded my blog with new posts, so this one seems oddly late but oh well. Alas, this is the last birthday post I promise. Last Saturday (as in May 11th), I managed to find my friends who were not being good daughters (and son) and spending the weekend with their mom, or not in Shasta, or not being busy this is busy-prone weekend. I'm not one for crazy birthday celebrations and I just love spending time with people I love. So I decided birthday dinner at Flattail and drinks at Clod's (literally same thing I did last year), worked pretty well so I followed the same plan. But of course somehow I managed to forget my ID at home - classic me - but no worries I got it and all was well with the world. 
[waitress to my friends who got there before me "are all the people in your party about the same size?" (inquiring about if we wanted to sit outside) response "uh....not really." That's my giant best friend David. He did quite well being one of the girls. Then (left -> right) there's my Roxy pug, Sarah, Emily, and Ruthie bear. Such a fun fun group to celebrate my birthday with. You guys blessed me so much!]
[Portland pugs! So crazy I'll tearing up with Portland with them in less than a month]

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What I Wore: Birthday Iris Garden Style

I'm just gonna say it. This is one of the comfiest outfits that isn't sweat pants that I've worn in a lonnnnng time. I went shopping with Mama for my birthday and almost everything is from my new purchases. Also this shirt is like wearing a soft blanket with sleeves and buttons. Clearly ideal for someone like myself. Low maintenance, soft, comfy, and cute pretty much define my ideal clothes. Also, this outfit cost less that $100. Most expensive item being my shoes. Once again, this bargain hunter went out, hunted, and succeeded. So here it is, my birthday iris garden look :)

[shirt: Nordstrom | shorts: Forever 21| shoes: Converse | sunglasses: TJ Maxx]

Monday, May 13, 2013

{birthday pt. 2} iris gardens

If you would've asked me when I was 10-years-old what I would want to do on my 23rd birthday, I would have never said "I want to go to the iris gardens!" When I was younger, my mom often would request to go to the tulip fields or iris garden for Mother's Day. Classic mom idea [and a wonderful idea I might add]. However, I can recall many a trip where somewhere along the way my mood or attitude would start to dwindle...and let's just say I was usually ready to leave before my mom was. BUT I guess a cliche would have it, I am absolutely my mother's daughter and this year I wanted to go to the flower gardens for my special day. Having my birthday on this particular weekend always has it's array of activities, from Mother's day events, everyone and their mom going to Lake Shasta, and just it being a popular weekend for activities to occur. All this to say, many of my friends were occupied with previously arranged plans. But before you assume that based upon this first picture that I went BY MYSELF....I assure you I did not :)

[birthday pt. 1] three generations to celebrate

Let's just say I had an incredible few day celebrating my birthday - before it was even my birthday! Also, I realize I haven't formally introduced my beyond incredible the heck did that happen?! Ok. So my birthday this year fell on Mother's Day [which is actually a common occurrence] and it also happen to work out that amazing Grandma - who I haven't been able to see for five years! - was coming out. So therefore we took the liberty of coordinating all our crazy schedules so we could celebrate my birthday AND Mother's Day for my mom and my grandma. Three generations to celebrate all at once! You might think " oh boo you have to share your birthday celebration with other people," (and actually you're probably not think that at all) but it was just a huge blessing to have my entire family together, Grandma included. 
[My amazing parents, Mike and LeeAnn. Seriously they're the best.]
[Beautiful Grandma Gwen. I have never met someone more full of Jesus than her. She powerfully radiates and lives out His love]

Sunday, May 5, 2013


 Happy cinco de mayo!...aka one week til my birthday :) Just thought I'd share my sunny outfit in celebration of this summer-like weather we've been having. LOVING IT.  Hope you all had fantastic wonderful weekend! Now back to reality. Aka school. Five more weeks of classes...I can make it! 

Ok anyways. Birthday posts will be up as the festivities unfold, yay! That's all :)

[Shirt, belt, earrings: HM | Shorts: Forever 21| Shoes: Target]

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

{come what} MAY

Happy May! First post in a while and first post in the brand new month. This IS my birthday month - 12 days baby! - and I'm gonna be the big old 2-3. Scary huh. Ok not really because I still feel like a small child. I've started to reflect on the past year but when I did I immediately thought of my New Years goals I set for myself (thank goodness I blogged then otherwise they'd be lost in the abyss of my brain). And here's best news: I've already accomplished (almost) four!

  1. Start and consistently post in my blog: considering I haven't had a functional computer for the past two months I'd say I've done quite well!
  2. Take a trip outside of Oregon: I took a pseudo-spring break weekend down in Arizona and just got back from Laramie, Wyoming of all places. I drove out there with my girl Emily since she got her big-girl dream job at a hospital out there. Definitely farrrrr to much driving but always a fun adventure!
  3. Perform Somewhere: Ok this one is bittersweet, but I sang at my Nana's funeral with my sister and brother in law a few weeks ago. It was such a beautiful service and wonderful celebration of her life. She is so missed and loved, but I praise the Lord I will see her again one day. 
  4. Move out of Corvallis: Ok, I still live here. BUT I got a paid internship in Portland for the summer, aka I'm moving to Portland!!! I'm so stoked because the Lord pretty much threw this in my lap and I couldn't have asked for a better opportunity. This also mean I get to live with my other twin pug, Ruthie...we've literally been talking about living together since she graduated last year and moved back up to PDX. 
All this to say God has really blessed me even  in this first quarter of the year, and I'm stoked for what the rest of this spring has in store. The weather so far has been BEAUTIFUL and warm! This is unheard of for the Willamette Valley this time of year (I'm still in shock) so obviously this means another stylish spring ensemble was long overdue....and I promised I'd throw in some royal blue so here you go! 

Oh I also want to mention this entire outfit cost me less that $50. I'm a bargain hunter always and forever. 

[dress: $8, Old Navy - or as I call it old naval | Shirt: $14, TJ Maxx]

Friday, April 5, 2013

{ Veggie Pizza }

Officially done with my last first week of classes PTL! Today I just wanted to have a quiet and relaxed evening and was just craving pizza like no other. I considered ordering, I considered buying a frozen pizza [I'm a sucker for those lean cuisine ones], but I decided that I should just use my woman skills and make one!

So I went to the store, got all my yummy fixings, came home, and went to work! I always forget how much I love cooking and have no idea why I don't do it more. And personal pizzas are small and cute, and let's be real, cute foods are way fun to cook/bake! Also, why don't I drink more wine? It's amazing. And I love it. Mmmm fermented grapes! Henyways, my pizza turned out amazing so clearly I had to share my simple simple secret. Oh and did I mention it's pretty darn healthy? Win!

All you need is:
- store bought pizza dough (I use whole wheat because it's healthier and I think it tastes better)
- 1 tbsp light Alfredo sauce
- veggies of your choice (today I used zucchini, broccoli, spinach, yellow pepper, and tomato)
- 1/4c Italian shredded cheese blend (or whatever cheese you want)
- a bottle of wine to occupy yourself during baking time

Just follow the pictures and enjoy! Happy weekend everyone!

[nom. nom. nom]

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Well. I'm getting my music on. This is embarrassing.

Wow two posts in two days? Who I am, a real blogger? I'm not mad. Hopefully you're not either. 

Well I can't decide if this is totally embarrassing or not but I really wanted to share music at some point on here. So I did it! No I don't have any fancy equipment, just me sitting in front of my computer (supppppper high tech) so you know the sound quality is ridiculously good ;) 

I LOVE this song, "Your Great Name" by Natalie Grant, and my dad and I did it at church this past fall. I was hoping we could record it together over Easter weekend but time just go away from us. I'm trying to decide if by posting this I can now check off my "perform in front of people" new year's goal I borderline counts. 

Please keep in mind I just decided to do this randomly when I realized I had great acoustics in my new dining room  - I just moved into an adorable new place for spring! Literally one take, called it good, and that's that! And I had to throw in a picture to make it a video so just excuse the car selfie. Alright in the process of writing this entirely unnecessary and run on description I have decided this is a little embarassing. Oh well. That's the point of this whole blog to be ME! Hah. So here's me :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Identity Crisis

Warning. This is not a fun and fluffy post. It challenged me to even articulate this. I hope it challenges you.

I can guarantee we have all wrestled with the issue of identity. Who are you? What defines you? What makes you who you are??? I'll whole heartedly admit that to this day I struggle with this. It's funny to hear what people say when you ask then to describe themselves, their identity. Even looking at my own "About Me" section I define myself in such small and worldly terms. I have defined myself by my field of study, my passions (which are apparently only fluffy and sparkly things..what?), and who I love, Jesus (which is not worldly, obvs).

It's just so curious that we often define ourselves by things that can be taken away instantly; upon things that are clearly temporary but are being used as a definitive and supposedly permanent descriptor.

Monday, March 25, 2013

New Seasons

Spring is finally here! Here in Oregon you know this because even though it is 50 degrees still, the variance of sun, rain, hail, and spontaneous heat waves nearing 60-degrees on any given day tell you it is no longer winter. Oregonians have HIGH hopes that good weather is nearing, and so we put on our shorts, sandals, and sundresses just so we don't miss an opportunity that it is actually fitting to wear them [we are crazy people]. 

Potential good weather and adequate vitamin D intake aside, I am beyond excited for this season of spring! Why you ask? I give you exhibit(s) 1-6:

  1. Last term of classes of my undergraduate career!
  2. Moving into a new house with three fabulous new roommates that I get to build relationships and share life with
  3. Spring means Oregon comes into full bloom...literally. I love the iris, tulips, daffodils and all the variety of flowers that pop up this time of year (I'll bet God had so much fun making all the flowers - what an artist our Creator is!)
  4. More chances to be outside! Aka more runs, more hikes, more lounging and studying on a blanket, more coffee dates sitting in the sunshine. It's a beautiful thing.
  5. MY BIRTHDAY! (May 12th everyone, mark your calendars, 23 baby!)
  6. Spring clothes. Skirts, dresses, sandals, tank tops, bright colors, and florals OH MY! ...which leads to the fun part of this post, my first of many spring outfits :)
[dress/belt: HM | shoes: target | necklace: borrowed - thanks to my Stephie pug!]

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Another day for LOVE

Valentines day is here whether you're a lover or hater of this occasion. I happen to love any reason to put on red and pink AND have extra pep in my step. My roomie pug, Stephie, and are LOVING today even though we cant be with our valentine's today. I hope y'all have an amazing day (the sun is even loving us today!!) and go love the heck outta someone special to you:)

[necklace: lulu's - surprise on Tuesday from my man..and surprise flowers today!!]

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


WAITING. It's like going anywhere in the middle of thick fog. You can't see a single thing that's in front of you, you have no idea where you're going, you're trusting you're heading somewhere amazing and you  just have to ...keep...moving...forward. 

If I'm honest I can be quite an impatient person. I think that's partially hereditary, partially society, partially my type-A personality's fault. But if I'm really honest, there are things in my life that I cannot control and all I can do is wait. One of my least favorite activities.

This season of my life is one seems more open ended than ever before: 
  • Final year of undergrad
  • Trying to figure out what happens after school...grad school, jobs, internships oh my!
  • Praying for my living situation to pan out for next term (cause I'll be roommate-less after this one)
  • Investing in relationship that must take a slower pace than we would like
  • Financial "struggles" (aka doing more career related activities which=cut hours at work. boo)
  • Dying to be involved in church
  • Wanting to make music a part of life again
  • Seeking a clear and specific direction for my life
I'm not shooting for the stars here am I? Yes,  I know there are quite a few things in that list that I can be proactive about, but despite my proactive attempts, I still have to WAIT on some Divine timing. Not always an ideal or fun process.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Stripes to the Max{i}

First thing, HAPPY FEBRUARY EVERYONE! It is now more than acceptable to wear excessive amounts of pink, red, and sparkles! I mean what more do you need really? Anyways. Back to this black and white outfit.

My wonderful sister has turned me on to stripes. Slowly but surely I have found my closet filled with more and more horizontal lines than I can count. This little number (which is my roommate, Stephie's dress) is the epitome of comfort and style. I could live in this, sleep in this, maybe even go for a jog in it. Okay maybe not... but you get my drift.
[dress: Nordstrom | shoes: Target]
Stripes are you better get a few into you closet. And a giraffe necklace. 
He's a very faithful and stylish companion. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

World's Easiest Pancakes

This morning I woke up and thought "I want something different for breakfast." I've been eating lots of eggs and smoothies but really wanted to mix it up (gotta keep the most important meal of the day interesting!).

Yesterday while perusing my fair share of blogs and Pinterest, multiple times I stumbled upon these ridiculously easy AND super healthy, "clean" if you will, pancake recipes. I decided to give it a shot this morning, and YUMMMMMMMMMMMM. Very satisfied according to my tummy and smile on my face. So here I give you: the worlds easiest pancakes. 

[yes that is greek yogurt  - nonfat plain - with pineapple in a margarita glass]

The ingredient list is quite extensive so brace yourselves:

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Long Weekend

First off, it's been wayyyyy too long since I've posted [fail on being consistent with this New Years goal], but never too late to get back on track!

I was extremely blessed to spend this long weekend in one of the most beautiful I know: Sunriver. Central Oregon has always had a special place in my heart thanks to my lovely parents taking my sister and I there annually when were little. Its beauty is awesome and words can barely do it justice. It's quite a majestic display of God's creation that always leaves me wonderstruck.

Not only was I blessed my the immaculate and gorgeous scenery, but also the amazing group that I went with. Some old friends and some new ones, all of whom are:

A) hilarious
B) fantastically fun
C) incredible sisters and brothers.

It was one of those groups where I was constantly laughing, continually in quality conversation, and counting my blessings each moment.

It was a weekend perfectly balanced with relaxation and recreation. Snowshoeing is one of my favorite winter activities and we trekked from Mt. Bachelor into the beautiful Todd Lake [even though it look more like Todd snowfield since it was frozen AND snowed over].

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What I Wore Wednesday

This outfit is from a couple days ago...btw. I'm definitely in sweat pants right now. However, winter day are the perfect time to bust out the NEON. They make those gray, rainy, never ending days just a litttttttle brighter. Somehow the sun graced us with her presence just in time to snap a few shots.

My amazing bestie Emily played photographer and I say she's got a talent, and should probably make an FB photography page just like every other person who owns a nice camera and can use it ;)

[sweater&shirt: TJ Maxx| jeans: Forever 21|shoes: Target| necklace&headband: J. Crew]

Monday, January 7, 2013

Goals not Resolutions

One week in 2013 is already gone. Can't go back and redo anything, change anything, add something in. All we have is the next 51 weeks. I had a BLAST bringing in the New Year with some of my favorite girls in the entire world. Obviously I had to create a little photo montage since I'm in the blog world now (click on the photo to see full):
My twins, Stephie (left) and Ruthie. I'm the third twin.
Don't judge, but we also refer to ourselves as pugs. Don't even get me started.

[Stephie's dress: Free People | My Dress: Zara | Ruthie's dress: Kohls]
BTW My dress is actually Ruthie's and Stephie's dress is actually mine. Love sharing closets.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Fitness Challenge # One

First weekend of 2013 and who is already struggling with their fitness goals for the New Year? One major way people tend to get discouraged is that they look wayyyyy too far ahead. Their thinking about spring break, or summer (swimsuit season!), when in reality the focus needs to be in the NOW! Yes it is fantastic to have a long term goal, but it can only be achieved through daily success, just one day at a time. A little visual motivation doesn't hurt either. I personally LOVE the Nike Women ads:

Friday, January 4, 2013

DIY Animal Bust

Over this winter break when I have been in Corvallis, I spend much of my time alone. Which is not a bad thing at all. I am thankful that I have found contentment being alone (a skill which the Lord forced me to learn...that's for another post.) These past few days I had a large amount of solo time on my hands, and what's a girl to do when she got a lot of time to herself?

My sister, Kristin, LOVES all things Anthropologie and since she got married this past May (wooooo!) she became quite fond of the paper mache animal busts they sold- she has the ram and the rhino! They are AMAZING! In the spirit of it being a new year, I decided that I, despite being not the most artistic person in the world, should attempt to make one such animal bust. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.
[The Anthropologie menagerie: Yes I know mine looks nothing like this zebra, lol]

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Welcome to the Blogosphere

2013 is HERE! In this year I will turn 23, graduate from college, move who knows where, and, here's the obvious, START A BLOG! I've been debating starting one for a while, fearing that it will look like I'm just jumping on the blog band wagon, when in fact that is the last thing I want to do. Oh well, I'm doing it.

Well I guess I SHOULD introduce myself (though the "about me" can also do that). I am Becca. I'm a super senior at OSU, and yes I'm enjoying putting off real life a little longer. I'm an exercise and sport science (EXSS) major and I LOVE helping people get healthy and feel great! I love Jesus more than life, and I don't strive to be perfect, I strive to be more like Him everyday. Despite the fact that I spend 32 hours a week wearing scrubs in my job as a caregiver, I love fashion! It's amazing how a outfit can totally shape your mood and how you feel on a given day. AND its just freaking fun to look cute.

[Yes I did practice my posing. Good posing is necessary for a blog.]
[sweater: Target, pants: TJ Maxx, boot: Old Navy, smile: priceless]

There are three major things that define me. And yes, I crafted it so that they are an alliteration (my mother is a writer and teacher, I cannot help but be this way):


In a nutshell, that's me. 

I decided to title this "Free To Be" because over the years I've learned to embrace the freedom in being the woman who God has made me to be. The good, the bad, and the ugly...I'm not afraid to be real and show the world me. 

I want to focus this blog in the three "F's" above, but since this is MY blog, lets be honest I can write about whatever the heck I want. 

My goal is to encourage all you who bless me with reading this, and inspire you to grow in ALL areas of your life. I want every woman to feel healthy and beautiful on the inside and out. That is accomplished first through faith in Christ, secondly through a healthy strong body, and thirdly, it can be enhanced with all the fun things us girls can wear or put on to feel pretty. [I like feeling pretty]

So here I go, entering the blogosphere and hoping for the best. Let's go 2013. It's gonna be a real one.