Monday, May 20, 2013

[birthday pt 3 ] basically 23.

I realize I bombarded my blog with new posts, so this one seems oddly late but oh well. Alas, this is the last birthday post I promise. Last Saturday (as in May 11th), I managed to find my friends who were not being good daughters (and son) and spending the weekend with their mom, or not in Shasta, or not being busy this is busy-prone weekend. I'm not one for crazy birthday celebrations and I just love spending time with people I love. So I decided birthday dinner at Flattail and drinks at Clod's (literally same thing I did last year), worked pretty well so I followed the same plan. But of course somehow I managed to forget my ID at home - classic me - but no worries I got it and all was well with the world. 
[waitress to my friends who got there before me "are all the people in your party about the same size?" (inquiring about if we wanted to sit outside) response "uh....not really." That's my giant best friend David. He did quite well being one of the girls. Then (left -> right) there's my Roxy pug, Sarah, Emily, and Ruthie bear. Such a fun fun group to celebrate my birthday with. You guys blessed me so much!]
[Portland pugs! So crazy I'll tearing up with Portland with them in less than a month]

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What I Wore: Birthday Iris Garden Style

I'm just gonna say it. This is one of the comfiest outfits that isn't sweat pants that I've worn in a lonnnnng time. I went shopping with Mama for my birthday and almost everything is from my new purchases. Also this shirt is like wearing a soft blanket with sleeves and buttons. Clearly ideal for someone like myself. Low maintenance, soft, comfy, and cute pretty much define my ideal clothes. Also, this outfit cost less that $100. Most expensive item being my shoes. Once again, this bargain hunter went out, hunted, and succeeded. So here it is, my birthday iris garden look :)

[shirt: Nordstrom | shorts: Forever 21| shoes: Converse | sunglasses: TJ Maxx]

Monday, May 13, 2013

{birthday pt. 2} iris gardens

If you would've asked me when I was 10-years-old what I would want to do on my 23rd birthday, I would have never said "I want to go to the iris gardens!" When I was younger, my mom often would request to go to the tulip fields or iris garden for Mother's Day. Classic mom idea [and a wonderful idea I might add]. However, I can recall many a trip where somewhere along the way my mood or attitude would start to dwindle...and let's just say I was usually ready to leave before my mom was. BUT I guess a cliche would have it, I am absolutely my mother's daughter and this year I wanted to go to the flower gardens for my special day. Having my birthday on this particular weekend always has it's array of activities, from Mother's day events, everyone and their mom going to Lake Shasta, and just it being a popular weekend for activities to occur. All this to say, many of my friends were occupied with previously arranged plans. But before you assume that based upon this first picture that I went BY MYSELF....I assure you I did not :)

[birthday pt. 1] three generations to celebrate

Let's just say I had an incredible few day celebrating my birthday - before it was even my birthday! Also, I realize I haven't formally introduced my beyond incredible the heck did that happen?! Ok. So my birthday this year fell on Mother's Day [which is actually a common occurrence] and it also happen to work out that amazing Grandma - who I haven't been able to see for five years! - was coming out. So therefore we took the liberty of coordinating all our crazy schedules so we could celebrate my birthday AND Mother's Day for my mom and my grandma. Three generations to celebrate all at once! You might think " oh boo you have to share your birthday celebration with other people," (and actually you're probably not think that at all) but it was just a huge blessing to have my entire family together, Grandma included. 
[My amazing parents, Mike and LeeAnn. Seriously they're the best.]
[Beautiful Grandma Gwen. I have never met someone more full of Jesus than her. She powerfully radiates and lives out His love]

Sunday, May 5, 2013


 Happy cinco de mayo!...aka one week til my birthday :) Just thought I'd share my sunny outfit in celebration of this summer-like weather we've been having. LOVING IT.  Hope you all had fantastic wonderful weekend! Now back to reality. Aka school. Five more weeks of classes...I can make it! 

Ok anyways. Birthday posts will be up as the festivities unfold, yay! That's all :)

[Shirt, belt, earrings: HM | Shorts: Forever 21| Shoes: Target]

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

{come what} MAY

Happy May! First post in a while and first post in the brand new month. This IS my birthday month - 12 days baby! - and I'm gonna be the big old 2-3. Scary huh. Ok not really because I still feel like a small child. I've started to reflect on the past year but when I did I immediately thought of my New Years goals I set for myself (thank goodness I blogged then otherwise they'd be lost in the abyss of my brain). And here's best news: I've already accomplished (almost) four!

  1. Start and consistently post in my blog: considering I haven't had a functional computer for the past two months I'd say I've done quite well!
  2. Take a trip outside of Oregon: I took a pseudo-spring break weekend down in Arizona and just got back from Laramie, Wyoming of all places. I drove out there with my girl Emily since she got her big-girl dream job at a hospital out there. Definitely farrrrr to much driving but always a fun adventure!
  3. Perform Somewhere: Ok this one is bittersweet, but I sang at my Nana's funeral with my sister and brother in law a few weeks ago. It was such a beautiful service and wonderful celebration of her life. She is so missed and loved, but I praise the Lord I will see her again one day. 
  4. Move out of Corvallis: Ok, I still live here. BUT I got a paid internship in Portland for the summer, aka I'm moving to Portland!!! I'm so stoked because the Lord pretty much threw this in my lap and I couldn't have asked for a better opportunity. This also mean I get to live with my other twin pug, Ruthie...we've literally been talking about living together since she graduated last year and moved back up to PDX. 
All this to say God has really blessed me even  in this first quarter of the year, and I'm stoked for what the rest of this spring has in store. The weather so far has been BEAUTIFUL and warm! This is unheard of for the Willamette Valley this time of year (I'm still in shock) so obviously this means another stylish spring ensemble was long overdue....and I promised I'd throw in some royal blue so here you go! 

Oh I also want to mention this entire outfit cost me less that $50. I'm a bargain hunter always and forever. 

[dress: $8, Old Navy - or as I call it old naval | Shirt: $14, TJ Maxx]