Wednesday, May 1, 2013

{come what} MAY

Happy May! First post in a while and first post in the brand new month. This IS my birthday month - 12 days baby! - and I'm gonna be the big old 2-3. Scary huh. Ok not really because I still feel like a small child. I've started to reflect on the past year but when I did I immediately thought of my New Years goals I set for myself (thank goodness I blogged then otherwise they'd be lost in the abyss of my brain). And here's best news: I've already accomplished (almost) four!

  1. Start and consistently post in my blog: considering I haven't had a functional computer for the past two months I'd say I've done quite well!
  2. Take a trip outside of Oregon: I took a pseudo-spring break weekend down in Arizona and just got back from Laramie, Wyoming of all places. I drove out there with my girl Emily since she got her big-girl dream job at a hospital out there. Definitely farrrrr to much driving but always a fun adventure!
  3. Perform Somewhere: Ok this one is bittersweet, but I sang at my Nana's funeral with my sister and brother in law a few weeks ago. It was such a beautiful service and wonderful celebration of her life. She is so missed and loved, but I praise the Lord I will see her again one day. 
  4. Move out of Corvallis: Ok, I still live here. BUT I got a paid internship in Portland for the summer, aka I'm moving to Portland!!! I'm so stoked because the Lord pretty much threw this in my lap and I couldn't have asked for a better opportunity. This also mean I get to live with my other twin pug, Ruthie...we've literally been talking about living together since she graduated last year and moved back up to PDX. 
All this to say God has really blessed me even  in this first quarter of the year, and I'm stoked for what the rest of this spring has in store. The weather so far has been BEAUTIFUL and warm! This is unheard of for the Willamette Valley this time of year (I'm still in shock) so obviously this means another stylish spring ensemble was long overdue....and I promised I'd throw in some royal blue so here you go! 

Oh I also want to mention this entire outfit cost me less that $50. I'm a bargain hunter always and forever. 

[dress: $8, Old Navy - or as I call it old naval | Shirt: $14, TJ Maxx]
[Necklace: $8, Macy's | Earrings: $5, H&M]
[Hi this is my beautiful new backyard in my adorable home I'm living in this term]
[Shoes: $9, Target]
[Shout out to my phenomenal roommate Claire for playing supportive photographer <3]
I'm constantly looking for more ideas for posts so if you want to see anything please let me know! Praying a wonderful month of May for everyone!  

1 comment:

  1. You're a so beautiful Becca.....inside and out! We love you~

    Auntie Shelley
