Friday, July 12, 2013

July Life {part 1}

July so far has been wildly exciting so far! It started with my dear Stephie's amazing wedding and I just finished thefirst week of my internship at ADAPT Training in Beaverton...and it's INCREDIBLE!

[beautiful bachelorette]
I was in Beaverton for two weeks before Stephie's wedding. I'm so thankful I was because I could play pseudo-wedding planner since I didn't (and still don't) have a job. I had nothing but time to do craft after craft and make list after list of things that needed to get done for the big day. After a super fun Bachelorette party in downtown PDX, and awesome rehearsal dinner at Old Spaghetti Factory on the Waterfront, the big day came and went without a hitch (except the hitching of Stephie and Andy!). Somehow I didn't get a single picture with the bride (fail) or of all the adorable details (fail #2). 

[bachelorette crew]

[24 hours away from being a MRS!]
[I got 'the giant' as my date...lucky girl I am!]
[what happens when you live in House of Charis and get married...the whole house comes]

[beautiful sunny night for fairy tale wedding] 
[my Roxy baby]
However, I always forget how exhausting it is being in weddings, but nonetheless, after a one day recovery from that chaos, I started my much-anticipated internship at ADAPT. I knew I would love it when we started off with an INTENSE workout that left me feeling exhausted, invigorated, and wanting more! We get to workout everyday of our internship first thing, and I couldn't think of a better way to start each day. These aren't your traditional workout classes. They have us running up stairs, jumping over hurdles, bear crawling on bars, climbing over platforms and MORE in their "adult playground" as I like to call it. It's exactly how I love to workout. Not only were the workouts amazing, but I also have the chance to participate in a camp, Urban Boot Camp PDX which takes place in difference locations all around the Portland area. It's perfect since I'm new to the area and will help me discover fun new places. We've started learning the ADAPT philosophy which approaches exercise differently than I've ever heard before. In theory it's simple. Every body is a body, we all have the same joints, need to move in the same ways, and we are adaptable organisms. Whether they are working with a person wheel chair bound from a spinal cord injury to a professional athlete, the approach is the same, but individualized  (as it should be.) I've already learned so much and just want to keep learning MORE! I'm so glad I have many more weeks of learning, and whipping my butt into shape! 
[this is my playground for the coming weeks! love love love]
I'm gonna try to post weekly and update what's going on and what I'm learning in my internship. I might go off on tangents about training methods, or crazy things that sound like foreign Exercise Science language, but sometimes I just get too excited and nerd out and go off. I'm so incredibly blessed to have be selected for this internship, and I can already tell that I'm going to come out of this so well prepared starting off a young professional. I just know the Lord has orchestrated all of this (as He always does!), and thank him everyday. 

I know this is long but this is what happens when I don't blog forever. So I think they'll start getting shorter and more concise. At least that how it will be in theory. Hope summer has been treating you all awesome, and I can't wait to see what the rest has in store!

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