- I have completed all my undergraduate courses, and I will be an official college graduate after I complete my internship in August. Aka I have a degree, and I'm a real adult. WHAT?!?
- I changed internships. I originally had a paid internship that was basically a glorified fitness center employee, but then I was offered my ideal, first choice internship at a facility called ADAPT Training in Beaverton. It's not paid, and that made the decision real hard, but all that I will learn, experience, and gain in a personal training certification if worth more than $9/hr. I am so excited, and I start in two weeks! Seriously I can't wait to get going.
- With that said, I am officially a resident of Beaverton, Oregon...and I'm living with my pugs! Their parents so incredibly and graciously welcomed me to live in their home while I complete this internship. It's really the only reason that it's financially possible to do it. Since graduation of last year I've been itching to move up here where the majority of my closest friends are. I could not be more thankful to be here and with them.
It's been a crazy five years of college but such a rich time of growth, fun, adventures, and finding lifelong friends. So naturally I want to photo montage it.